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Creating greater possibilities for the world

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What if the world did not have to be full of worry, fear and sadness?  What if there were tools available that would create a whole new reality filled with joy and ease?  I always was the one person who had a smile, who always had a positive thing to say and who always was cheering others up!  Even though my life was not all a “bed of roses,” I tried to find that silver lining in everything and always was asking myself, “how can we make this better?”

I attended Rutgers University, spent my junior year abroad in France then got an MBA in Marketing.  I worked in management for corporations like AT&T, PSE&G, and CIGNA Insurance where I was always focused on what I can do better here to make the work environment better.  Whether it was implementing new processes to make jobs easier for employees, or conducting client surveys to get their feedback on what the company can do better, I was always striving to improve the lives of others and myself. Sometimes just a simple change in a form letter sent to clients reduced the stress that employees felt by not getting those customer calls wanting clarification. 


This undeniable focus on creating a better work and home environment for myself and others is what led me to study healing modalities.  That is how I found Access Consciousness where I received an Access Bars session. My life started changing right after that session! This change was so effortless and automatic that I did not even have to think.  I became more aware of what I wanted my life to be like and focused on creating that.  Every action I took to create a greater life resulted in me finding more joy and ease and fun.  I knew I had tools that I wanted to share with others.  It is about empowering others to see the infinite possibilities available to create a life filled with more ease and joy at home and at work.  What if that was not just an ideal but a reality that is available to you just for the asking?

 Creando grandiosas posibilidades para el mundo

¿Qué tal si tu vida no tiene que estar enfocada en resolver problemas ni dificultades? ¿Qué tal si en vez de trastornos, hay herramientas que te ayudan a enfocarte en realizar tus sueños, y obtener más gozo y más facilidad en tu vida? Encontré herramientas de varias modalidades que me han ayudado a realizar una vida llena de posibilidades que nunca imaginé y me encantaría enseñarlas a todos los que desean crear una vida más grandiosa! Solo tienes que escoger y comunicarte conmigo!


  • Access Bars Facilitator 

  • Access Body Process Facilitator 

  • Access Facelift Facilitator 

  • Access CFMW

  • MBA, Master of Business Administration,  Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) 

  • Theta Healing Practitioner

  • Access Talk to the Entities Practitioner 


  • Access Bars in Business Practitioner 

  • Access Bars Introductions 

  •  Relaxation Techniques 

  • Reverse Aging Techniques 

  • Event host for various classes and events in NY and NJ

  • Access Party of Possibility Host

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© 2023 by Access Your Inner Joy. 

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